Specializing in bringing together all components necessary for long term business growth,
profitability and success; and ensuring
that they are working in harmony.

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About The Russell Consulting Group


About the founder and Principal Advisor:

John began his first successful business as a high school senior in Honolulu Hawaii which within two years had grown to include eighteen employees and several company vehicles. In his third year in college, he successfully launched another string of profitable businesses, which included an awarded landscape design firm, a talk radio show, and a business development consultancy.

"Our Focus is On Your Business"

Since that time he has remained civically active in the community as a member of multiple boards, president of business groups and elected office. Additionally, has remained committed to donating time to encourage future entrepreneurs through various mentorship programs.

In 1995, he established a management consulting practice in Walnut Creek California, which became the Russell Consulting Group. Branding and marketing strategies quickly became a relevant component to the R.C.G.

Clients have represented a wide spectrum of sectors, from qualified start-ups to Fortune 500s companies. The majority who have been/or are currently located in Austin Texas, The San Francisco Bay area, and Central Europe.

Mr. Russell continues to enjoy a vast understanding of the key components necessary to bring solid growth and profitability, can evaluate current advertising and marketing campaigns/objectives/results and recommend a revised approach designed to meet current economic realities.



















About John
free online evaluation!free online evaluation!

Who we help

Small to medium size companies that are interested in strategically aggressive growth.

We enjoy a variety of interesting challenges from all sectors. However, we are selective and will only take on a client that we truly believe we can benefit.

Our process

Upon an initial complimentary review, a decision will be made to either submit a proposal or recommend you to another firm who may be a better fit. Upon the acceptance of our proposal,project enagement will ensue until completed. On-going monitoring of company performance is strongly encouraged.

Sample of your projected investment for services offered

Every business is unique. Pricing may vary by client needs.

• Preliminary review and assessment of your current business plan – from $650.00
• Evaluating funding potential – from $650.00
• Company MRI – designed to trouble shoot and identify potential malignancies in your company – from $3,800.00
• Comprehensive review and business strategy – from $9,950.00
• Customer surveys - from $2,250.00
• Branding and advertising review – from $1,290.00
• Employee assessment of morale and performance – from $3,500.00
• Growth strategies – phase one – local (businesses with 1 – 5 existing locations – with objective to grow by 50% - from $9,950.00)
• Growth strategies – phase two – area wide within a 100 mile radius (companies with 5 – 25 existing locations with objective to grow by 50%) – from $12,000.00. This includes City, location assessment/scouting review with emphasis to cultural/product and services match, government incentives, talent pool(s), consumer demand and current market competition, strengths and weaknesses.

The following strategies are - from $12,000.00:

• Growth strategies – phase three – statewide
• Growth strategies – phase four – regionally
• Growth strategies – phase five – nationally
• Growth strategies – phase six – region/internationally
• Growth strategies – phase seven – global

Includes City, location assessment/scouting review with an emphasis to cultural/product and services match, government incentives, talent pool(s), consumer demand and current market competition, strengths and weaknesses. Also, consideration to political environment/Government stability and review of exchange rate trends.

We are not interested in clients who:

Are adverse to calculated growth
Resistant to necessary changes designed to create long-term growth and profitability
Afraid to “think outside the box”
Sell products that are harmful to children or otherwise socially irresponsible



Our hubs

Austin TX. - (Austin, TX is our main hub) When most people think of Austin Texas, great music, new technologies, video games, bio science and creative energy comes to mind, not to mention home of UT, and football. But did you also know that Austin is a major hub for small business growth, which includes everything from consumer products to tasty treats? This is one of the reasons why the Principal Adviser with The Russell Consulting Group resides here.






The San Francisco Bay Area, CA. - Even though our original business model was created in Hawaii, it was here that a concerted effort to build our practice began. We continue to work with established clients and bring on new ones both in the Bay Area as well as in the Pacific Northwest. Many of them on referral from our existing clients.





Prague - Czech Republic – In 1994, while traveling throughout Europe, we discovered an exciting energy and all encompassing business growth with not only newly founded Central European companies, but also real opportunity for North American companies wishing to expand into new markets.

Though Central Europe remains our EU strong suite, our network also encompasses the entire EU as well countries up for EU consideration.


Connect the dots...

San Francisco provides a gateway to the Pacific Rim including Hawaii – Austin, centrally located in Texas, serves to energize emerging possibilities between tech companies in Silicon Valley and those in Central Texas – Prague, centrally located in the heart of Europe, offers clients wishing to consider expansion into Europe a convenient central location. Influenced not only from its own rich Bohemian culture, but also by the French, Germans, and Russians. Ideal for test marketing as well as business model introduction.